Contact the Christo et Doctrinae team
Please send article proposals to christoetdoctrinaefurman@gmail.com with the subject line “Article Query.”
Submissions of article drafts should also be sent to christoetdoctrinaefurman@gmail.com, but with the subject line “Article Submission.” Please indicate in the body of your email whether your submission is an essay, poem, fiction piece, or other format.
Writing for Christo et Doctrinae
If you are interested in making a submission to Christo et Doctrinae, please consider the following guidelines.
For long-form articles, Christo et Doctrinae typically publishes pieces ranging from 500 to 2000 words—please indicate the approximate length of your article in your submission or query. Significantly longer or shorter pieces than the word counts given here will still be considered by our team, but may require additional editing before publication. For poems and other artistic works, pieces between 100 and 500 words are generally preferred.
Christo et Doctrinae divides articles into three broad categories: “Theology,” “Art and Literature,” and “Christian Life.”
Some examples of appropriate articles for the “Theology” and “Christian Life” categories include Christian apologetic pieces, biographical pieces on Christian historical figures, interview pieces with a faculty member or Christian minister, or analyses of aspects of the Christian life (for example, fasting or the reading of Scripture).
Some examples of appropriate pieces for the “Art and Literature” category include poetry, fiction, and reviews of books or movies. Poems should incorporate some element of form and meter, although rhyme is not strictly required (for example, a blank verse composition would also be an appropriate submission).
What not to include
Pieces that directly criticize or call into question core tenets of Christian doctrine in an unreasonable or unproductive manner
Pieces based on “insider baseball” Christian content, i.e., niche doctrinal topics that can divide Christians along denominational boundaries, such as the Eucharist or predestination*
Pieces that primarily focus on “hot-button” political issues such as race, gender, abortion, or similar topics
*Note that doctrinal pieces may still be accepted, as long as our editing team determines them to be primarily informative (i.e. for Christians of all denominations), rather than divisive or polemic. To this end, such pieces should be as objective as possible, and should be written with an ecumenical readership in mind.
Christo et Doctrinae is a Christian journal with a mission to further the thoughtful discussion of faith and the Christian life across denominational and cultural lines. As such, we are selective about the content we endorse, and we reserve the right to refuse publication to any piece our team feels does not support that mission.