The Suffering of Chiara Badano
An artistic rendering of the story of a cancer patient who offered her suffering to Jesus; Article II in the Ordinary Saints series
Christian by Accident: Intentionality in Art
A consideration of how secular art may “accidentally” be Christian; Article III in the Christian Aesthetics series
The Firstfruits of God and Man
A discussion of the symbolism and sacrament found in the Catholic Mass
Of Lawyers and Theologians
How James Wilson's writings on the similarities between lawyers and theologians challenge modern notions of law
The Death of Padre Pro
An artistic rendering of the martyrdom story of Father Miguel Pro; Article I in the Ordinary Saints series
The Nature of Art: What Does It Actually Do?
An analysis of why art “works” from a Christian perspective; Article II in the Christian Aesthetics series
The Misappropriation of Many Marys
An evaluation of the 2018 film Mary Magdalene by Garth Davis
Rose-Tinted Lens: On Romantic Idolatry
A letter in the style of C.S. Lewis’s famous Screwtape Letters, dealing with romantic idealization as a form of idolatrous behavior
Christian Aesthetics: Sunday School to Michelangelo
A discussion of the nature and definition of Christian artwork; Article I in the Christian Aesthetics series
Profound Simplicity
A discussion of sin, salvation, and the power of C.S. Lewis’s simple portrayal of the Gospel in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Who Wrote the Bible…And Does It Really Matter?
An argument that authorship may not be the most important component of a Christian’s reading of Scripture
Pomum Sanctum
A spiritual meditation on eating an apple, in the form of a blank verse poem
Music and Silence: The Gifts of Heaven
An analysis of the theology of music, noise, and silence
The Comfort of a Creator
A discussion of why belief in divine justice and judgement is paradoxically comforting
In the Days of Fasting
An article on why fasting is more relevant than ever for modern Christians