Tune of How Can I Keep From Singing by Robert Lowry
8.7 8.7 D - 5vv
Awaken, Bride, for day is come!
Your groom rides forth to meet you.
This first light marks the waiting done,
The works of darkness passed through,
And brass proclaims his fast approach
As dawn rays vanquish nightgloom.
Let all who slumber now be raised
To hasten to the bridegroom!
Behold his shimm’ring, dancing eyes –
Her tremors while proceeding.
At gentle touch of meeting hands,
Watch how their tears are beading!
They smile, and earth could ne’er contain
One’s feeling for the other,
Out-spilt on plant and beast alike,
It makes all new in wonder.
A feast laid out, that none shall thirst,
Both king and pauper dining,
His bloodied flesh the gift to mark
The lives here intertwining.
The first-pressed wine is freely poured,
Fresh harvest wheat brought hither,
All good he has, and rules, and is,
Is hers, and ne’er shall wither.
She twirls and flow’rs cannot stay still,
Their petals spin in tandem;
His laugh makes rocks resound in hymn,
And evermore they’ll anthem.
As timbrell's struck, and harp is plucked,
The whole world’s hosts bear witness,
And lifting high their voices cry
“Hosanna, Adoramus.”
Look, as they see through veil removed,
No heart can still its flutter,
It shines forth, that which wrought the world,
And now rips it asunder.
Come, pull the mountains down to dust,
Fulfill creation’s longing,
And death’s cruel power rend away
As Eschaton is dawning!