Maundy Thursday: A Liturgy

Gracious and merciful God,

At the solemn Last Supper, You modeled for us

Perfect love and humility reflected on the water

With which You washed the dirtied feet

Of Your friend and Your betrayer, before the feast.


Let the somber reflection of Your selfless heart

In the face of death demonstrate the depth

Of Your inconceivable love for Your Creation,

Even as we doubt and betray You ourselves.


At the impending onslaught of Hell

You prophesied Your own death using Your hands

To break the bread and pour the wine.

Would You edify our grasp of such profound pain?


May You bless us with even the slightest understanding,

Making us privy to a drop in the ocean of agony

That You prepared to endure on our behalf

And take up the fullness of wrath in the Father’s cup. 


We pray, Father God, for Your sons and daughters who are suffering

As they strive for Your will to be done on Earth as in Heaven

Sacrificing their body and blood in Your name, imitating Your Son.

We humbly ask that You comfort them in their valleys.


We ask that You prepare our hearts with reverence

For selfless reflection as we enter this holy season

So that our voices may join the angels and proclaim that

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.




Good Friday: A Poem


The Trinity in Theology