
We often think of confession as a scary, burdensome thing where we go before God and try to remember every bad thing we’ve done. We rack our brains to make sure our ledger matches His. Or maybe you’re the opposite, and don’t see confession as necessary, because after all, He knows it all already!

You’re halfway there, but you’re missing out on the incredible gift that confession is. 

We’ve been raised in a society that revolves around shame, both through legalism and through cancel culture. Both of these are incredibly hurtful and go completely against God’s loving heart. 

God resists shame. He obliterates it. He calls you beloved (Colossians 3:12) and He remembers your sin no more (Hebrews 8:12). He cares for you and wants to know your heart. He deeply desires to be your friend. So He gives us confession – never-ending office hours with your savior!

Confession is only partially about atonement. We know that has already been taken care of (Isaiah 53:4-6). Confession is about honesty and closeness to the one who can solve your problems, heal your deepest wounds, celebrate you, and all the other blessings which come with being a child of the all-powerful King. 

Confess right now. I dare you. You’re going to love it.

Tell Jesus what is on your heart. Tell Him what you had for breakfast. Tell Him how cute your dog is. Thank Him for your dog. Then tell Him you’re scared about your future. Tell Him you miss your friend that you had a horrible conversation with last week. Tell Jesus you’re struggling to trust Him. Tell him it’s hard to see how what He’s making you go through is good. Tell Him you feel abandoned by Him. (Could not recommend Psalm 77 more, shout out to Ty for introducing me to it!)

Be brutally honest. Leave no stone unturned. Tell Jesus every need, every want, every happiness, and every sin. Tell Him how you feel, whether it’s shame, anger, hurt, confusion, joy, peace, love (these last few are key, because Satan will try to use your happiness to convince you that you are fine without God.)

And then be quiet. 

Once you’ve poured out all of your heart and everything’s on the table, 

Be quiet.

Sit in the presence of your King, Parent, and Friend.

Be at peace. 

Away from the brokenness of the world, listen to His voice. 

I told you confession was awesome.


No Rest for the Unrepentant


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